Monday, December 11, 2006

Been trying to read this impossible paper for work written by an NUS professor ALL DAY. I swear academics need to get a life.

In his paper, he's made a no. of what I think are rather irreverant remarks and expressed strong opinions, esp. criticising his own institution. I've been listening to academic-speak at many of the meetings I attend, and there's this obsessive need to "have a point of view" or "state their strong (and different) opinion" or stating an opinion for the sake of stating an opinion, etc. After a while, it doesn't wow me anymore. I'm like, yeah right.... so you have an opinion.....which doesn't make logical sense btw..... BIG DEAL.... (oh grow up!)...... *roll eyes*

I remember when I was younger, a student in NUS, all wide-eye and bushy-tale. Hearing different and many opinions (whether or not they necessarily made sense) wowed me to bits. For the first time in my life, there wasn't just one way of looking at things, at life. There were many, depending on your perspective.

Don't get me wrong. Having differing and even dissenting voices are very important in life - be it in an organisation, among friends, in civil society, and esp (if you ask me) in churches. its HOW you express and convey your differing views that will affect the health of the relationship/organisation/group. But otherwise, opinions and views are good - they keep the place/relationship thinking on their feet, robust, and constantly learning from each other. We also learn to agree to disagree, which is part and parcel of growing. That's how we make each other better, we help the place/organisation grow.

But when I have an opinion for the sake of demonstrating that I HAVE an opinion (read between the lines: for self-gain/glory rather than the betterment of the relationship/organisation), I think that's just wrong. Its also no way to live a life, all angsty and self-obsessed. And honestly, after a while, your opinion's really not all that new or startling anymore. Its RECYCLED. =P


Miss T said...

Playing devil's advocate here...

So are you upset with this guy because 1. his paper doesn't make logical sense or 2. because he expressed strong opinions or 3. he criticized NUS?

If you sensed his opinion was given out of the sheer need to give an opinion, is this because you sensed his ego or maybe his writing just wasn't accessible enough (I agree this is a bane of some acad writing)?

Or perhaps you didn't agree with the particular 'strong opinions' he held? Most papers have a 'point' to make, whether it's clarifying that he/she is there to simply describe a situation, or to argue on the side of something (or arguing for a balanced view). I believe this to be pretty necessary, no?

spam said...

I'm not upset with the guy lah - he's just being an ass. As many of us are in our own ways. *haha*

But you do have a point, and a good one too.

Yes, I did sense his ego through the writing, which is probably what peeved me. The writing was easy enough to read.

I have no issues with them having a point to make. Even if their point made is not a new one, or an original opinion, as long as you have an opinion, just say it, plain and simple so everyone understands. It is good to express your view, whatever that view may be, as long as its a genuine one.

However, I do have issues with them dressing up a simple opinion, just to make themselves look good. And academics do that a lot - make a simple opinion sound unnecessarily complicated and "cheem"(with bombastic words, terminologies, convoluted metaphors, etc), so that it comes across as a new and "original" opinion. Honestly, who are you trying to impress?? No one really, and even those who you do impress would probably be rather dim-witted, in my opinion.

The complication comes with moxed agendas. Oftentimes, its not always as easy to tell if someone's expressing an opinion for personal ego reasons, or genuinely arguing for a more balanced view. I can't always tell people's intentions, and I suspect oftentimes, their motivations are a bit of both. =)

Harold said...

Hi Pam!

Just to let you know i love reading your blog... love to read your views on life, issues that bug you (man... you ladies do know how to put feelings into words) and on anything under the sun... haha... still waiting for more photos!

Looking forward to the christmas dinner at M's place. hmmm... M... sounds like we are in a Bond movie or something like that... haha!

spam said...

*wow* never realised I have that impact on peeps.

Thanks mate! =)