Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The marriage line
It was all nice and sweet, as most weddings go. I know of no weddings that are not. And sometimes tacky/cheesy too, but that's a part of the sweet. All in all, a happy occasion with loads of sabos and nots.
I took a moment for myself as I sat there, watching, eating, listening. And in the midst of wedding bliss, and amongst most friends who are already married, a part of me couldn't help but feel sort of left out. Its almost as there was an invisible line between the marrieds and the singles, one that is illusive to me, and I don't quite know when or how I'd cross over. As if everyone's over on that side already, and I'm left behind on this side, sometimes trying to figure my way across, sometimes just letting things be.
Incredibly lonely journey at times. Especially when you're the last one in the group who's not married. While I can connect with them on married matters (thank God preggie matters aren't exactly on the cards yet!), I can't fully identify with it. I'm just not there yet.
I noe to cross the line takes time and the right person. And I think I try as much as possible to allow myself that, and to enjoy the journey along the way. But from time to time, I feel the need to hurry across the line when panic hits me. Especially when I look at some of my ex-bosses - single women, above 40, who's sole companion is work, a pain to work with, constantly unhappy, with no regard for anyone other than their needs, and unconsciously eminating "neediness". Thinking of them, I get damn scared - will I ever become that??? There's a possibility, a GOOD possibility.
There's something about marriage - even for the most selfish, it forces you to be apart from yourself, looking after only your needs, to care for those of your spouse's as well. There's little way to run away from that, however you choose. It forces you to become a better person, to give in spite of your unwillingness to do so.
Terence: loaned the pic off your website - Hope you dun mind coz its such a great pic! =)
Monday, November 20, 2006
An open letter
I've thought about it long and hard before writing this - this is an open letter to all the people I've hurt in the last 2 years, through my lack of tact / consideration for your needs, and as a direct result of the circumstances of my life then. This isn't directed at my closest friends (you know who you are and thank you for loving me despite the bitch Ive been), but that group that borders between acquaintances and friends - you know we see each other enough just by hanging out together, but our friendship's never gone all that much deeper.
I'll explain.
As some of you know, I've been through a tough time in both my work and personal life in the last 2 years. In particular work, coz I face it everyday, and I know I return with gripes aplenty EVERYDAY. I hated the way I was treated, and instead of finding a way to deal with it, I let it eat into me and take away whatever joy I had in my life. Those 2 years were a HUGE struggle, and even up till today, I'm still learning to deal with the cynicism and the bitterness that's built up in my soul. Forgiveness is terribly hard work.
And I know as a result of what I was going through, I've taken it out on some of you. Rather unintentionally, but at that point, I assumed that as friends, I could "unload" my work gripes on you, without realising that in the process, I sounded like I had very little positive things to say abt life at all. Always grumpy, angry, negative, bitter and inconsiderate. And for all the times you've had to put up with that, I seek your forgiveness - You didn't deserve that, and you still don't. Nobody wants to hang out with Ms Grumps-All-The-Time. And I'm sorry I've been such horrible company, even toxic to your own spirit/joy. I can understand why you'd rather not have me around most of the time.
And I appreciate that despite that, sometimes, you still constantly choose to have me around as part o the group. You didn't need to, but you chose to and I really do appreciate that. It was at a time of my life when breaking up with Tim was so painful, coz it felt as if life had come to a rude halt. Suddenly, no more plans, no more future, complete standstill. And the hanging out, even if its mindless superficial talk, helped ease the pain and helped me focus on other things other than the pain. I needed that, at that point in my life, to just not remember.
All this while, because of just your mere and constant presence in my life, I thought of you as friends. Even perhaps good friends at some stage. Then I found out what you've said about me, how you've talked about me among yourselves, and the letters you've sent about me to others, the disappointment you've expressed. When I found out, I felt hurt, betrayed, alone, stupid and worthless. Did I deserve such judgement?? I suddenly am not sure who you are in my life anymore - friends? or foe? They say talking about other people have a way of getting back to a person's ears. How true.
I thought about it long and hard about this - I want you to know that I forgive you. As much as I ask you to forgive me for my earlier actions, because I know you didn't mean to hurt me, you too were reacting out of the pain that's been unfairly inflicted on you.
I don't know if I can trust you as friends again at this point, but if you're willing, I think we can work towards it in the long run. I only have one request - whenever I'm an ass in the future, pls tell that to me in my face and gently. I'd rather you do that than behind my back.
So, here I am, an open book in front of you. If this offends you and you want to throw us away, I'd respect that. But if you want to work towards being friends again, I'd be willing to try.
And if you know someone else who'd been in the group I've referred to, and would want to read this, do feel free to pass on this link.
To my friends who've chosen to stand by me through the fire, held my hand, and refused to judge me for my actions, allowing me to learn on my own - thank you for loving and caring for me enough to do that, and for gently pointing the way forward. =)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Toilets are more important
The Silly Woman was going through our consultant's report on museum space planning, and was absolutely horrified to discover that Toilets in a museum take up about 5-7% of the total GFA (Gross Floor Area), whereas Education only takes up between 1-3%! How audacious! How can the Peeing (or the act of excretion) be more important than EDUCATION??!?!?
She subsequently realised that you'd notice if Toilets are insufficient in a building, but not so (much) if Education was missing. *chuckle*
We then went into a long useless ramble about how to make people visit the toilets more, since they do take up a lot space, eg. turn the airconditioning to artic cold conditions, have booze laid out at every turn of the museum, have the toilets as art, etc. =P
I'm in severe denial - 'coz its my turn to read the 291-page report. *arck*
Thursday, November 09, 2006
"Its what I always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, and the joy of dance."
- Martha Graham (aka the mother of modern dance)
Well said. =)
Finding something to console myself.....
Was terribly disappointed that Corinne May's Dec concert was completely sold out in just 2 weeks into ticket sales *sulk*, so I went through the Esplanade website today, just to make sure that I wasn't missing anything this time around.
To my delight, I found this concert instead! - Budak Pantai, my all-time favourite acapella group, who I've listened to and watched perform since I was 16 (yes, its been 10 yrs), is doing their annual (or is it bi-annual??) concert after Xmas. They've come a long way since, and still keep to performing at BlueMoo as well. They do the same songs over and over again, and come up with some new ones as well, but still somehow manage to make it new each time. Not fantastic vocalists, or incredibly good looking, but excellent arrangements, fabulously entertaining and funny. a bunch of madcap, down-to-earth lawyers (I think??). extremely Singaporean in flavour.
Love it. You should go watch them too. =)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Miss Small Eyes
The Nazi:
hey, doesn't that girl over there look like our fren, Miss Small Eyes?
No lah, Miss Small Eyes has smaller eyes than that girl. That girl's eyes quite big.
The Nazi:
(muses for a moment) Ai, so do you think people with smaller eyes have a smaller view of the world? See less??
(look of disbelief) No lah!! Cannot be.... stupid question.....
The Nazi:
How you know??? Ai, silly but valid question ok......
Oh please!! Cannot be lah.....
The Nazi:
(muses further) Maybe people have bigger nostrils need more air! Or people have bigger mouths because they need more food??!!!
Please excuse me - I need to go bang my head against the wall..........
Grey's Anatomy
Am desperate for the dvds of Season II of Grey's Anatomy. DESPERATE.
Waited for something like 4 weeks now since Season 2 ended its run on tv - I want to watch the entire 2nd season!! Was elated when I saw the ad of the dvd release on 8 Days this week, ran to the store, only to be told that there's been a delay in stock. *pout* Its such a fantastic near-soap, but still remains interesting and funny enough to keep your attention going.
I want my dose of McDreamy now, dammit!!!! *sigh*
What is it about men??
The conclusion is that we couldn't understand why (a significant no. of) men:
1) think that ALL women (esp women friends) want to sleep with them; and
2) have sexual fantasies of threesomes with hot women.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
He was sick too the night before, and then the call from office, just confirmed us not going. Oh well, there will be other times. I'd like to think that perhaps we weren't meant to be there for some reason, and everything has a time. =)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Getting past *ouch* feelings
By chance, I found out about something that I wasn't supposed to know of and it bugged me like crazy. It still bugs me, and in so many ways. Made me feel like nothing I ever do is right, that I'm always the loser, and I'll always probably remain the outcast, the one they dislike and bitch about. My defense mechanism tells me - so go ahead, sue me, hate me, bite me. Whatever. I don't care. I don't want to care.
But I know there is a better response, one which I have a hard time choosing to do right now - to forgive and love people, to let go of my right to be angry/bitter. God forgave me when I've hurt Him, when I've not been worthy - no reason why I shouldn't forgiven when I myself have already been forgiven. I know too that there's no point staying mad.
Learning to come to terms with things. Need to let go. *ggggrrrr*
*summons happy thoughts*
Btw, I'm headed to Bali this weekend. *yay* Its a spur of the moment thing, which is quite cool. Always wanted to see Bali. Hopefully it'll soothe the mood.
Trying not to be Miss Grouch.... trying lah.... trying.....