Sunday, September 21, 2008

irv + eun

we went to irv & eun's little wedding celebration on saturday at handlebar. the party was quintessentially irv & eun (complete with the sparklers and handsewn streamers), and man, that margarita blender was a riot. seriously i mean how often do you have a motorcycle engine blend your frozen magarita for you??? *heh*

then they also gave out postcards with a picture of them in ikea *hahaha* and this adorable poem on it. and above is a picture of the ridiculously fun event they orchestrated a couple of yrs back, which i like to think was a key turning pt in them getting together.
anyhows here's the poem. its really sweet. and thanks for a fabulous evening guys!

i like you and i know why.
i like you because you are a good person to like.
i like you because becaue when i tell you something special,
you know it's special and you remember it a long, long time.

you know how to be silly, that's why i like you
boy are you ever silly
i never met anybody sillier than me till i met you
i like you because you know when it's time to stop being silly
maybe day after tomorrow, maybe never -
too late! it's a quarter past silly

if you find two fourleaf clovers, you give me one
if i find four, i give you two
if we only find three, we keep on looking
sometimes we have good luck, and sometimes we don't

i like you because i don't know why,
but everything that happens is nicer with you
i can't remember when i didn't like you
it must have been lonesome then

i like you because because
i forget why i like you but i do, so many reasons

you really like me, don't you
and i really like you back
and you like me back and i like you back
and that's the way we keep on going everyday
i would go on choosing you
and you would go on choosing me
over and over again

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What's next? Same-sex marriages?

Dear Mr Chan,

Obviously, you don't have any gay friends. No wonder you're so unhappy.

Maybe you ought to join Republican VP nominee Palin and migrate to Alaska.

I hear she suits your type, very anti-everything - abortion, gay marriages, conservation, big oil, etc. She also thinks global warming is not caused by human beings. So I think, all in all, there ought to be fewer gay people there.

Also, I hear you can get good crabs too. Seasonal though. Although, people die catching those crabs for dinner.

So, good luck hor?


TODAY, 9 Sep 2008, Voices, Letter by Anton Chan

MR HO Kwon Ping is wrong to propose the acceptance of gays into Singapore society because accepting a gay lifestyle would have a tremendous impact on society as a whole in terms of religious beliefs, social well-being and families.

As a Christian, I oppose legalising a gay lifestyle in Singapore because it’s against my beliefs. As a father of three teenagers, I care because I don’t want my children to be affected by such a lifestyle.

Imagine if we allow the acceptance of such a lifestyle in Singapore. What next? Legalise same sex marriages? Legalise adoption of children for gays?

Where are we as a socially-conservative society heading towards?

Soon gays will claim the right for social acceptance in all areas including education, welfare et cetera. What effect will this have on the next generation of children and parents who wish that their children will grow up normally and produce children in the normal course of their being?

The only strong contention in Mr Ho’s proposal is the so-called gay leading edge in the “creative class”. Doesn’t our society have many other people to develop and nurture? Why are we so eager to promote creative class talent in Singapore? So that we can become a more tolerant society to accept whatever lifestyle these bring? Definitely no.

I would like to borrow a similar argument by Attorney-General Walter Woon regarding the Human Organ Transplant Act (Hota). In “None above the law” (Sept 8), he said: “If Dr Lee (Wei Ling) disagrees with Hota, she is at perfect liberty to campaign to have it amended ... But until Parliament amends or repeals the Hota and the Oaths and Declarations Act, they remain the law of Singapore.”

If anyone disagrees with the law for gays as enacted by Parliament, he/she is at perfect liberty to campaign to have it amended ... But until Parliament amends or repeals the law of Singapore for gays, it remains the law of Singapore.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

auntie in the gym

was in the gym earlier and got into an argument with an auntie in the locker room. it reminded me of a typical gen x-gen y type work conflict.

i was done with my workout, was in the locker room, about to open my locker. an auntie like woman was standing close to my locker, changing into her clothes. i apologied first, and signalled that i wanted to open my locker door. she budged a little, just enough for me to open the door fully. unfortunately, somewhere between her wrestling with her clothes, she accidentally hit her head agst the door and "tsk-ed" at me. i ignored her, partly because i had already apologized earlier for inconveniencing her, and also because i didn't feel responsible for her inability to work within a tight space. (*haha* i am quite "qia" that way, i know)

that was when an argument ensued, something to this effect:-

auntie at the gym :
(glares at me) wah lao! close your locker door for goodness sakes!

well, you could have moved in a little bit and you'd have enough space.

auntie at the gym:
least you could do is apologise!

i did. i said sorry before i opened my locker.

auntie at the gym:
i didn't hear you. (grumbles under her breath)

auntie, if you're in the wrong, just admit it lah. older people are capable of apologising to younger people, you know.

Monday, September 01, 2008

mommy, mommy, is this all mine?

if everyday was like this, i wish i was her age again.