we went to irv & eun's little wedding celebration on saturday at handlebar. the party was quintessentially irv & eun (complete with the sparklers and handsewn streamers), and man, that margarita blender was a riot. seriously i mean how often do you have a motorcycle engine blend your frozen magarita for you??? *heh*
then they also gave out postcards with a picture of them in ikea *hahaha* and this adorable poem on it. and above is a picture of the ridiculously fun event they orchestrated a couple of yrs back, which i like to think was a key turning pt in them getting together.
anyhows here's the poem. its really sweet. and thanks for a fabulous evening guys!
i like you and i know why.
i like you because you are a good person to like.
i like you because becaue when i tell you something special,
you know it's special and you remember it a long, long time.
you know how to be silly, that's why i like you
boy are you ever silly
i never met anybody sillier than me till i met you
i like you because you know when it's time to stop being silly
maybe day after tomorrow, maybe never -
too late! it's a quarter past silly
if you find two fourleaf clovers, you give me one
if i find four, i give you two
if we only find three, we keep on looking
sometimes we have good luck, and sometimes we don't
i like you because i don't know why,
but everything that happens is nicer with you
i can't remember when i didn't like you
it must have been lonesome then
i like you because because
i forget why i like you but i do, so many reasons
you really like me, don't you
and i really like you back
and you like me back and i like you back
and that's the way we keep on going everyday
i would go on choosing you
and you would go on choosing me
over and over again