Monday, December 10, 2007

I've been wondering - am I out of my league here, or is it just arrogance on my part?

Monitoring the news is part and parcel of PR work - I know that. Its a hopelessly mundane and menial task, but necessary. I remembered doing that and having to write news summaries before 9.30am everyday, and it was a nightmare. Even with a team of us reading a section each of the daily news, it was still quite a bit to get through. But the consolation was that we did it as a team - all 14 of us struggling together, directors, managers, admin staff et all. (well, it wasn't by choice that everyone does it together - we enforced it) And that made it less painful, I reckon, coz we know we're in it together.

Recently, a supervisor asked a colleague and I to do the same, except that now, we dun have to write summaries (thank God!), just have to scan and flag out important reports. I noted that she only asked the both of us, and didn't include herself in the news monitoring team. I suppose she is supervisor, and probably feel she doesn't need to take up such menial tasks.

I found myself feeling irritated and annoyed. I know to some extent, I don't have the right to be, because she is, afterall, my boss, and has a righ to delegate. I wonder - I'm irritared because I feel its too menial for me to do it?? Or that she chose not to include herself as part of the team to do it (since she is managing the PR team)?? Made me wonder too, how long I'm supposed to stay as a minion before I get the right to delegate as well!! =P I can't keep being the minion all my life - set up for meetings/official visits, carry the projector/laptop/water, draft the notes, make sure carpark lots are reserved for VIPs, boss' slides are in the laptop, etc etc etc etc.

I also found myself missing my old team - we worked hard and played hard together because we saw ourselves as one team (and made sure we ousted anyone who wasn't a team player.... *muahahaaaa*).

I guess in some ways, we were "spoiled" where I worked previously. We had very little sense of hierarchy or ranks - we were one organisation and one team. If someone's in shit, we're all in it together. Even CEO's not spared - he willingly participated in all the tacky activities we got into unless he was busy. Everyone's opinion counted, whether you're a director or a support staff. If you have something to say, we'd all like to hear it. No one was too small, or too big - equal. We all had different parts to play, but because we were empowered to play our roles and at different times we each took on lead/support roles, we took on each task quite happily (at least in my old team).

I've been told here, in this new environment, that I'm to "know my place in life" and to "give due respect" coz I'm constantly being judged and watched and evaluated. And apparently, I don't do enough of it. Occasional and casual joking with the bosses is a no-no, and I speak only when spoken to. (and I think oftentimes, my opinion doesn't really matter, unless it has to do with stroking someone's ego or for an opinion which the boss can echo as his own at some bigshot meeting later.....) I feel like I'm back in sec school again and its quite frustrating. =P

I do like the content in my present job, and I still find it interesting. But esp. in moments like these, I wonder if this place will give me that big break I'm hungry for, something that will progress me upwards.

So yeah, today, I'm WONDERING. *sigh*

1 comment:

Caleb Liu said...

Pam, welcome to the Singapore civil service. Forward thinking, team building, vibrant, open to change? Best look elsewhere.