Thursday, December 27, 2007

This is what I end up doing when I'm bored at work - log on, check work email, nothing but keep it open, then check facebook acct, poke everyone who's poked me, log off facebook, check gmail acct, reply all nec. emails (that's impt), log off gmail, check work email again, STILL nothing, look at my table mess, try to sort out the piles of papers to be filed, procrastinate, sort out more papers, procrastinate somemore, check facebook *again* out of boredom, log off facebook, whip out diaries for the new year, put in public holidays into new diary, go back to sorting out more filing, gets incredibly bored, checks out friends' blogs, looks at Yahoo Movies for a bit, procrastinate somemore, briefly chat with my boy on MSN, then more filing, more procrastinating........

The end of the year in the office is one HUGE yawn coz everyone impt is away.....*gasp*

Find of the day - stumbled upon this blog from one of my friend's blogs - love the whimsical way she writes and really love her photos. See?? This is what I get up to when I'm bored.

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